Metatron's Cube is a sacred geometric pattern that consists of 13 circles interconnected by lines and enclosed by a larger circle. It is named after Metatron, an archangel in Jewish and Christian traditions who is associated with divine knowledge and sacred geometry.
The pattern is composed of the five Platonic solids, which are regular polyhedrons with congruent faces and angles: the tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. These shapes are believed to represent the building blocks of the universe and have been revered by philosophers, mathematicians, and spiritual seekers throughout history.
Metatron's Cube is believed to be a symbol of balance, harmony, and interconnectedness, representing the fundamental structure of the universe and the infinite possibilities of creation. It is often used in meditation, healing practices, and spiritual rituals to connect with higher realms of consciousness and access higher levels of awareness.
Use for manifesting, rituals, crystals, wrapping sacred items in.
60 x 60cm