This is a Mojo Bag that contains crystals that MAY HELP with people who suffer from M.E/CFS/Fibromyalgia.
From experience these particular stones have helped me as I have M.E.
Also from customer recommendations that have helped them.
Please note you should always seek advice from a doctor.
AVENTURINE-Calming, reassuring, stress, anxiety.
APACHE TEAR - Forgivness, understanding.
BLOODSTONE - Hope, courage, energy flow.
CARNELIAN - Energy, strength, frustration.
MOOKITE - Protects emotions, removes fear.
ROSE QUARTZ - Self love, patience, tranquility.
QUARTZ - Memory improver.
SHUNGITE - Reduces pain, electromagnetic pain.
AMETHYST - Panic attas.
SODALITE - Muscle twitching & spasms.
HOWLITE - Calming, stress.